Fitting A New Clutch Cable
In order to fit new cable or cable casing, take off the tank, slip out the cable nipple from the handlebar lever. Take out the cable stop from the top of the cable stop holder (screwed into the gearbox housing) and unscrew the cable stop holder from the gearbox.
The cable can then be slid out of place from the slotted end of the cable connecting piece which is just inside the hole in the gearbox housing.
As no adjustment is necessary to the clutch cable in the ordinary course of maintenance, the adjuster which is provided for use during original assembly or when a new cable or case is fitted, is situated between the two halves of the outer casing below the petrol tank.
When fitting the new cable, thread this through the outer casings and the adjuster (seeing that it is lubricated when doing so) and solder on the nipple. The approximate position for the new nipple, so that the length of cable will be correct, can be best verified by checking off the length of the new cable against the length of the old one. Thread the cable stop holder over the cable and engage the nipple at the gearbox end in the connecting piece and then screw back the cable holder. Fit the cable stop. Now adjust the clutch spring carrier so that the clutch is in a slipping condition when checked by using the kick starter.
Connect the nipple to the handlebar lever and set the adjuster so that there is just no free movement at all in the control cable and refit the tank.
Finally screw out the clutch spring carrier anti-clockwise until there is not less than if" free movement on the cable at the handlebar lever end.
See illustration showing method of clutch adjustment and clutch cable stop, etc.
On early machines the clutch-cable adjuster is situated on the top of the gearbox housing, but this does not vary the method of adjusting the clutch. The adjuster for the cable will not normally need attention unless a new cable is fitted